Samyang ESG

Achieving growth to create
a sustainable future for all

Samyang has aligned its core values of righteousness and trustworthiness with ESG management principles and established ESG management goals and action plans that are adapted to the current times. We are strongly committed to ensuring that all our affiliate companies practice sustainable business management which comply with the global standards.


With our key directions geared towards strengthening the ESG business portfolio and enhancing the ESG management system, we will establish mid/long-term and short-term improvement goals to prioritize and carry out the required tasks.

Group Vision

A Global Provider of Specialty Materials and Solutions for the Health & Wellness and Advanced Material Sectors

ESG Business Portfolio
Expanding Sugar Reduction and Bionutrients business
  • Strengthen Eco-Friendly materials business
  • Building the foundation for Mobility & Energy materials business
Enhancing plastic recycling business
Expanding Medical Device and medicine business and carry out new medicine business
ESG Management System
  • Established the 2050 Net Zero Roadmap
  • Strengthen the leading position in the circular economy (water/waste)
  • More products for customer health and safety
  • Strengthen social responsibilities such as safety and health, human rights, and supply chains
  • Enhance governance structure and refine ethical management system
  • Advanced ESG management systems and governance

Enhancement of ESG
Management System

  • Environmental

    Climate Change Response
    Establishing the Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions by 2050
    Achieve circular economy
    Increasing waste recycling rate, developing recycling technology
    Environmental Management System
    Operating Environmental Management Governance Structure
  • Social

    Employee management
    Develop procedure to protect human rights and manage various risks
    Safe work environment
    Establish safety management procedures customized to each business area
    Create ESG-based product management procedure
    Supply chain sustainability
    Establish supply chain ESG assessment procedure and increase support
    Responsible participation
    Broaden role to creating social value
  • Governance

    Corporate governance structure
    Expand shareholder rights, establish shareholder involvement management procedure
    Ethical management system
    Strengthen stakeholder communication (transparency)
    ESG management system
    Develop function and capability for ESG governance and organization




Develop Group’s ESG strategy and management system

Establish ESG vision, goals, strategic directions

Develop plan to achieve carbon neutrality and circular economy

Create plan to establish ESG management system

Develop response plan for external assessment and stakeholders

ESG Foundation and Implementation

2022 ~ 2024

Establish ESG management system and implement short-term quick-win projects

Announce Group’s ESG vision (including carbon neutrality declaration)

Publish sustainability report

Improve external ESG ratings

Adopt Group business performance evaluation (KPI) reflecting ESG elements

ESG Management Advancement

2025 ~ 2026

Refine ESG management and intensify efforts to achieve carbon neutrality

Intensify participation in global ESG initiative

Innovate business model to be ESG-oriented

Find new ESG growth engines

Establish ESG information management system

Leading ESG Player

2027 ~

Create ESG-oriented business portfolio and emerge as leading ESG company

Full application of ESG throughout Group

Strengthen ESG-oriented corporate culture

Acquire external ESG ratings that meet the global standard

Secure complete global standard ESG risk management system


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Posted on March 28, 2023

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